Anthony White | Founder, Artist, Writer


Founded in 2019

The Black Sublime is a media group delivering music, podcasts, poetry, and essays

I initially wanted to describe my art, especially my music, as a celebration of Blackness because that’s what I thought was needed at the time, but truthfully, my art is what it has always been—the primary mode through which my soul heals itself, a way of connecting with others that integrates our minds and bodies, and the way I contribute to and participate in cultural and communal intimacy. As I did this work, I started to fashion together an ethics—a decision about what is good and how I aim to achieve that good for myself and my community. I started to define good as that which encourages and sustains life, and chose to focus my work on healing, wellness, and liberation using raw, specific, and honest narrative. I aim to be a benefit to others in this way, and should anyone find healing or a path to healing in my work, I would consider my journey a success.

The Black Sublime has fiscal sponsorship through Fractured Atlas (a 501c3 organization) meaning that all contributions are tax-deductible. If you could like to contribute to my work, feel free to donate here.